Avocado Project

Avocado farming slowly picking up in Tanzania. Currently, there are limited Tanzania regions that are in the production of avocados. Avocado plants are grown in tropical and semi-tropical humid areas. These plants cannot tolerate hot dry winds and frost. They thrive best in true tropical to warmer parts of the temperate area.

These fruits can be grown on a wide variety of soils except on poorly drained soils as these plants are very sensitive to waterlogging. The avocado tree may be erect, usually to 9metres tall but sometimes to 18metres or more, with a trunk 30-60cm in diameter, (greater in very old trees) or it may be short and spreading with branches beginning close to the ground.

In Tanzania, our projecting avocado producing areas are in the regions of Mbeya, Njombe, Songwe and Iringa in the southwest, as well as in Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Tanga in the northeast of the country.